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Kalil Erazo
Kalil Erazo

809.567.9271 EXT. 769

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Grado Académico


Área de investigación

Monitoreo estructural; ingeniería sismo-resistente; dinámica estructural; mecánica estocástica

Más proyectos

Desarrollo de métodos avanzados para evaluar la vulnerabilidad estructural de infraestructuras civiles de la república dominicana ante eventos naturales extremos
Rol: Investigador Principal
Financiado por: INTEC

Investigación de las inestabilidades aeroelásticas y los efectos dinámicos inducidos por eventos climáticos extremos en infraestructuras especiales de la República Dominicana
Rol: Investigador Principal
Financiado por: FONDOCYT

Desarrollo de métodos para el diagnóstico y predicción de daños en infraestructuras civiles de la República Dominicana utilizando el monitoreo estructural
Rol: Investigador Principal
Financiado por: FONDOCYT

  1. Erazo, Moaveni and Nagarajaiah (2019). Bayesian seismic strong-motion response and damage estimation with application to a full-scale seven-story shear wall structureEngineering Structures, 186, 146-160.
  2. Erazo, Sen, Nagarajaiah and Sun (2019). Structural health monitoring under changing environmental conditions using Kalman filtering. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,
  3. Erazo and Nagarajaiah (2018). Bayesian structural identification of a hysteretic negative stiffness earthquake protection system using unscented Kalman filtering. Structural Control and Health Monitoring.
  4. Erazo and Nagarajaiah (2017). An offline approach for output-only Bayesian identification of stochastic nonlinear systems using unscented Kalman filtering. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 397(9), 222-240.
  5. Sen, Erazo and Nagarajaiah (2017). Bayesian source identification from acoustic emission in plate structures using stochastic filtering. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. DOI10.1002/stc.2005.
  6. Erazo and Hernandez (2016). High-resolution seismic monitoring of instrumented buildings using model-based state observers. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI10.1002/eqe.2781.
  7. Nagarajaiah and Erazo (2016). Structural Monitoring and Identification of Civil Infrastructure in the United States. Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, An International Journal, 3(1).
  8. Erazo and Hernandez (2016). Bayesian Model-Data Fusion for Mechanistic Post-earthquake Damage Assessment of Building Structures. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001114.
  9. Erazo and Hernandez (2015). Uncertainty quantification of Bayesian filtering in structural systems subjected to seismic ground motions. ASCE Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems.
  10. Erazo and Hernandez (2014). A model-based observer for state and stress estimation in structural and mechanical systems: Experimental validation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 43:141-152.
  11. Erazo and Hernandez (2014). Real-time efficient state estimation in nonlinear structural systems. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics. Porto, Portugal.
  12. Erazo and Hernandez (2014). Uncertainty Quantification for State Estimation in Nonlinear Structural Systems. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM) and the Sixth International Symposium on Uncertainty, Modeling, and Analysis (ISUMA). Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  13. Erazo and Hernandez (2014). “State Estimation in Nonlinear Structural Systems.” Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics. Orlando, Florida, USA.
  14. Hernandez and Erazo (2013). Experimental verification of a finite element model based functional observer for structural systems. Proceedings of the 54TH Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC). Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
  15. Hernandez and Erazo (2013). Real-Time Dynamic Stress Response Estimation at Critical Locations of Instrumented Structures Embedded in Random Fields. Proceedings of the 31st IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics. Orlando, Florida, USA.
  16. Erazo and Hernandez (2013). Nonlinear Model-Data Fusion for Post-Earthquake Assessment of Structures. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Structural Heath Monitoring. Stanford, California, USA
  1. Robust probabilistic methods for monitoring, identification and reliability assessment of resilient civil infrastructure systems, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Tech, November 2018.
  2. Probabilistic methods for robust monitoring, identification and reliability assessment of resilient structural and mechanical systems. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), 2017
  3. Erazo (2017). “Probabilistic estimation of the nonlinear response of structures subjected to seismic excitations using structural monitoring.” XIII International Congress of Scientific Research”. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  4. Erazo (2017). “Bayesian identification of a seismic protection device based on the concept of negative stiffness”. XIII International Congress of Scientific Research”. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  5. Nagarajaiah, Yang, Erazo, Sun, Lai and Sen (2015). Large Scale Sensory and Video Data from Civil Infrastructure: Learning, Diagnosis and Prognosis for Health, Safety and Resiliency. Big Data Forum, Rice University. Houston, Texas.
  6. Erazo and Hernandez (2015). A mechanistic approach to seismic damage estimation of instrumented building structures using Bayesian filtering. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference. Stanford, California, USA.
  7. Erazo and Hernandez (2014). Uncertainty quantification for state estimation and its application to post-earthquake damage assessment. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference. Ontario, Canada.
  8. Erazo and Hernandez (2013). Tracking dynamic stress response based on acceleration measurements. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference. Evanston, Illinois.